Thursday, 22 May 2008

North East China May 2008.

Some 18 months ago a chance discussion between Bob Biggs and myself found us getting some lads together and booking 11 days holiday in North East China. The main object of the trip was to see the migration of siberian passerines, waders and raptors through Beidaihe and Happy Island, and to catch up with some of the special non migrants of the region. Many of these species are much sought after by European Birders as they are mega rarities this far west.

Our guide, Jesper Hornskov, was booked and we were on our way. Jesper is a Dane who has been living in, and birding around, China for 20 years. We found him to be an excellent all round guide with birding skills and knowledge of these eastern palearctic birds that are second to none. It was a pleasure to learn so much from him during our time together, and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend him to anyone. He also has a great sense of humour to match our own, no mean feat for a non brit, and the man is afforded rock star status by the many birding visitors from Europe and the locals alike!

We left Newcastle at lunchtime on 8th May 2008, stopped off at Paris for four hours, then travelled to Beijing, arriving lunchtime on 9th ( local time, 7 hours ahead). We were met by Jesper and two drivers before heading off immediately to the Bai He river, north of Huairo, about an hours drive north. Despite 24 hours on the go, we went straight out birding, and this proved to be the pace for the rest of our visit. Not one for the faint hearted...

Above - Shingle river habitat, home of the Ibisbill.

Above - Ibisbills. 2 pairs were seen. Quite large waders, whimbrel sized but with a Common Sandpiper jizz.

Above - Red billed Blue Magpie. Large and gaudy, a cracking bird.

Above - Long billed Plover. 1 pair near the Ibisbills.

On route here we saw our first birds. Most notably for me were 8 Azure-winged Magpies, several White cheeked Starlings and several Large billed Crows.

At the river, we walked along the adjacent road seeing 1+ Songar Tit, 1 male Taiga Flycatcher, 4 Ibisbills, 2 Long billed Plovers, 2 Red billed Blue Magpies, 10+ Vinous throated Parrotbills, 1 Crested Kingfisher, 1 Spot billed Duck, 2 male Godlewski's Buntings, 1 Grey capped Pygmy Woodpecker, 2 male Daurian Redstart and 2 Grey capped Greenfinch as well as 2 Little Buntings, Dusky Warbler, Black Stork, 2 Olive backed Pipits.

From here, a three hour drive to Beidaihe and to our hotel after a gruelling 32 hours without sleep...

See Ipin Blog and Richard Dunn's website for more pics. Richards are tremendous and professional quality, Ipin has some great images of the Parrotbills...